The reflex level gauge glass is also called water level gauge glass or water level gauge glass. The reflex level gauge glass is a glass installed in various towers, tanks, tanks, tanks and other containers for directly indicating the medium liquid level in the equipment. Slotted and flat type level gauge glass plates.
*Groove liquid level gauge glass, also called slotted liquid level gauge glass, glass plate with grooved liquid level gauge, three-wire four groove liquid level gauge glass generally refers to multi-slotted glass plate, with a smooth observation surface, the back of which is There are multiple ridges on the sealing surface.
Slotted level gauge glass is divided into single-slot type and multi-slot type level gauge glass plates.
Operating temperature:430℃。
Working pressure:4Mpa
*Flat light level gauge glass, also known as flat water level gauge glass, glass is polished on both sides, with smooth observation surface and sealing surface.
Operating temperature:430℃
Working pressure:5Mpa